Download Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 Latest Update

Download the Bennett (Bluetooth) version of Windows. He is looking for Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy/Bluetooth intellectual devices and monitors their signal power.

Review of Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor)

oversees the right variety of adapters

It should be noted that only a few adapters are supported and that you can expect to analyze the power of RSSI signal, namely BlueSoleil, FreeBT and Texas Instruments CC2540/41 set to create Bluetooth chimneys.

The generated schedule can be saved as photos.
It illustrates the state of signal power in the graph, which you can export to the image file and search later. Bennett supports several graphic formats including JPEG, PNG, TIF, GIP and BMP. There are some other adapters that Bennet recognizes, but they can show different information about Bluetooth devices; The signal force is not included.

All adapters use the MAC address of each device, supplier and class, as well as the name of the device and some short details about their services. You can also create a magazine file for each device and save it as a TXT file at the specified location.

Bennett can be a reliable software program that can help you monitor your Bluetooth device status and check the signal power if you use a supported adapter.

Bennett Characteristics (Bluetooth Monitor)

    • Several Support for Bluetooth Stack
    • device data and signal strength

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Technical information and system requirements


  • Support OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
  • RAM: 2GB RAM (4GB Recommended)
  • free Hard drive location: 200 MB or more

Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 (2025) Download and Setup

Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 Download FREE with all features

Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 Free Windows Download

Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 Download Free Windows 8 **

Bennett (Bluetooth Monitor) 1.29 Download full version

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